League History

The Emerald City Roller Girls were born in Eugene, Oregon in 2006 when a handful of friends heard about the revival of roller derby and decided to brush up their rusty skating skills. Word spread quickly, and ten months later ECRG had secured regular practice space, elected a board of directors, split into teams, trained though torn muscles and broken bones, and held their first bout to a sold-out crowd!

Much of ECRG’s early success was supported by more experienced leagues who lent us their coaches and provided invaluable advice. In this way, roller derby provides both a local and nation-wide network of grassroots athletes who have made their leagues successful with very few resources other than hard work and creativity.

In the spring of 2016, ECRG changed their name to Emerald City Roller Derby. ECRD strongly supports inclusivity in our membership and our community. Roller derby is a gift and a passion that is available to anyone who wants to be involved. Long live roller derby in Eugene!

We are a league of amateur skaters, competing at a regional and international level. We encourage athleticism and personal growth in a supportive and positive environment. As a non-profit based in Lane County, Oregon, we strive to strengthen our community with our inclusive activities and events that are locally supported and member-driven.