Scrimmage Polices and Updates

I know we’ve had sooo many announcements but that’s because we are moving and that movement requires a lot of communication! 🤩💪 The board is enacting a couple of policies as we start easing our way into scrimmaging…

Scrimmage Attendance Policies, Regular Practices: Players are required to attend at least one regular practice each month if they wish to attend scrimmages as a player.

Punch Cards: Punch Cards can only be used for regular practices. Only players with monthly memberships can attend scrimmages as a player.

LCC Drop Ins: LCC has been invited to drop in on regular practices. For now, scrimmages are closed to non-ECRD players. After we get our bearings, we will likely open scrimmages to LCC drop ins.

I used a lot of “as a player” phrasing with purpose. We absolutely want to encourage people that want to learn how to officiate and referee. Scrimmages are very open for you to learn those skills! Can’t wait to scrimmage Monday!

– The ECRD Board

Please Fill Out Emergency Contact Form

Hi @everyone ! Please fill out this form so that we have your emergency information on hand. Thanks! And don’t forget, bring black/white pinnies or shirts to practices from here on out, you never know when we need to make quick teams during practice. -The Board

Return to Competing Timeline

Good morning everyone! We had a very productive board meeting last night and we’re excited to present next year’s plan for the league. We’ll need everyone’s dedication and support to reach these goals, and I’m looking forward to seeing what we can achieve!! Starting in January, we will be adding a scrimmage to our schedule every other week. We have Mondays or Thursdays as options at the BK, and I’ll be sending out a poll to see which will work best for the group. Since coming back to skating in April, the dues we charge have not even covered our track fees. The league has several other monthly expenses to consider. Making the dues artificially low was a conscious decision to start building a community and get back to skating with less structure and pressure for everyone involved. With competition in mind, it’s time to make our dues structure financially sound. Starting in January, dues will be raised to $40/mo. Based on the original survey responses, and taking into account that some people will be attending fewer than all of the practices, we will also be offering a punch card for 6 practices at $45 [to be determined]. The punch card will be paid in advance, and you can drop in when you are able. We have lots more detail for you in the coming weeks, and we’ve added a second board meeting this month so that we can set ourselves up for a successful start to 2023 🎉